Dominic Purcell says that he may have once been touched by a ghost! He says it happened while filming on location at the Joliet Correctional Center outside of Chicago. Something touched him on the neck. "I looked around and thought, That’s weird. I didn't think about it too much. Then in the afternoon, one of the actors came to me and said, Did you just touch me on the shoulder?"If you believe in ghosts, that place may certainly house quite a few. The prison was home to serial killer John Waynce Gacy and the cast filmed in his cell. "It's not a nice place. It's creepy, Dominic says. In fact Dominic says that the entire place feels very sad. "It reeks of sadness. A lot of hurt has been done there. It's an old place, with a lot of history. The place is guarded still, even though it's a closed-down prison.中山翻译公司推荐阅读
越狱》中大哥林肯的扮演者多米尼克·珀塞尔说他有一次可能碰到了鬼!他说当时是在芝加哥的朱利叶市惩治中心进行《越狱》的拍摄。他觉得有什么东西碰到了他的脖子。“我朝四周看了一下,心想‘还真妖。’后来也没多想。然后到了下午,一个演员过来问我说‘你刚有没有拍我肩膀?’”如果你真相信有鬼的话,那个地方还真的有可能有鬼魂出没。那座监狱是连环杀手John Waynce Gacy的老宅,《越狱》剧组就在他的牢房里拍摄。多米尼克说:“那个地方可不怎么好玩。挺阴森恐怖的。”其实他是想说这个场地让他倍感忧郁:“那里散发着伤感的气息。发生过那么多伤人的事情。这栋老建筑充满了过去。即使是一座已经弃用的监狱,那里还是守卫森严。”
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