AI development plan
AI development plan
Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang said at the World Intelligence Congress in Tianjin that China will soon release a national plan to boost the development of artificial intelligence through 2030.
29日,2017世界智能大会(World Intelligence Congress)在天津开幕,科技部部长万钢致开幕词。万钢表示,人工智能(artificial intelligence, AI)如今已成为科技发展不可忽视的重要力量,国家人工智能发展规划(a national plan to boost the AI development)已编制完成,将对2030年中国人工智能产业(AI industry)完成部署。万钢表示,我国将启动一系列人工智能核心研发项目(launch a series of core AI research and development projects),加快相关人才储备建设和人工智能成果向实际应用转化,鼓励国外人工智能企业在中国建立研发中心(encourage foreign AI companies to set up R&D centers in China),争取在这一前沿技术上取得领先地位(gain a lead in the cutting-edge technology)。
与会的专家和业界代表普遍认为,新一代人工智能(the new generation of AI)正在给人类经济、社会与生活带来颠覆性影响(be a game-changer),人工智能的发展正进入新阶段,呈现出深度学习(deep learning)、跨界融合(cross-border integration)、人机协同(man-machine coordination)、和智能操作(intelligent operation)等特征。
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